Who we are
A compounding pharmacy with a focus on naturopathic and integrative medicine.
We are one of the largest compounding pharmacies in the Pacific Northwest and have been operating since 2008.
As a local leader in compounding, we work closely with doctors creating compounds for patients with GI disorders, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), chronic sinusitis, autoimmune issues, chronic pain syndrome, hormonal imbalances, and more. We custom make formulations to fit many specific patient needs. Examples of this are allergen free, dye free, and customized forms or strengths of medicines.
Get To Know Us
At Community Compounding, we have a focus on education. We offer CE opportunities for the naturopathic community twice per year. In addition, we are dedicated to being a resource for our patients, and our pharmacists are always available to answer any questions.
We pride ourselves in offering the highest standard of customer service for both prescribers and patients. Pharmacists are available to answer patients’ questions and prescribers will always be able to speak with a pharmacist during business hours; whether it’s about a patient’s unique healthcare needs or questions regarding dosage form options.
Once your prescription is received, one of our trained technicians will reach out to you. Before the prescription goes out, a pharmacist will contact you to go over your medication, and then it will be mailed directly to your door. Local patients may alternatively pick up their prescriptions in person if they prefer. Most of our prescriptions are prepared and ready within two business days.

Community Compounding has a strong focus on Naturopathic, Integrative and Functional Medicine.
We work closely with doctors to create unique formulas that support our patients’ healthcare needs. With over 50 years of combined experience working with integrative practitioners, our pharmacists have a vast background in compounding and creating customized formulas.
What Sets Our Compound Pharmacy Apart
All of us at Community Compounding are dedicated to supporting our community of patients and doctors.
We strive to offer the highest level of customer service by contacting patients immediately once a new prescription is received, and most of our compounded medications are ready for our patients within 2 business days.
Education is a priority for us at CCP. A pharmacist will call patients if they are receiving a new prescription or if there is a change on their refill prescription. This ensures that patients are knowledgeable about their prescription and understand the proper way to use their medication.
In addition, we also offer educational opportunities for our prescribers. We offer Continuing Education conferences twice a year. These conferences are either live in-person or via webinar and provide 6 pharmacy CE’s for the naturopathic community. Please visit our continuing education page to find out more about our next conference.
Beyond our own conferences, we are proud to also support many other educational resources such as the LDN Research Trust, the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OANP), and the Institute of Women’s Health and Integrative Medicine (IWHIM).
Community Compounding Pharmacy contracts with most insurance plans.
We are licensed in over 17 states, where we can conveniently ship patient’s prescriptions.
To create quality, holistic compounding solutions and offer information that is a resource for patients, providers, and the greater community who seek integrative pharmaceutical solutions.
We are community-focused
We provide caring customer service
We act with transparency
We speak and act with Integrity in all actions and communications/information
We assure a respectful work environment
We plan and act in ways that enable a collaborative focus on solutions
Our decisions and actions assure a supportive environment for patients and staff
Our objective is a joyful environment for all stakeholders

Did you know your access to bioidentical hormones may be at risk?
The Coalition to Protect cBHRT is working to protect access to compounded bioidentical hormones.
Community Compounding Pharmacy is supporting this initiative and needs your help!